Our Mission

"Can. 215 The Christian faithful are at liberty freely to found and direct associations for purposes of charity or piety or for the promotion of the Christian vocation in the world and to hold meetings for the common pursuit of these purposes."

The League of the Blessed Sacrament is a community where we, as members, take private vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. Our commitment is to live a more ascetical life, conforming to Christ through communal living, the recitation of the Divine Office, and pastoral work.

At the heart of our community is a deep devotion to Eucharistic spirituality. We find our unity and strength in the Real Presence of our Lord in the Sacred Eucharist, which guides our prayer life and daily sacrifices. Our mission is not just to sanctify ourselves but to extend that sanctification to the world around us.

We engage in various corporal works of mercy, fostering unity within our community and striving to contribute to the salvation of the world. A significant part of our work involves mentoring at-risk youth, helping them develop into future leaders who can positively impact their communities. We believe in the importance of empowering young people with the skills and values necessary for a life rooted in faith and service.

In addition to our work with youth, we dedicate ourselves to teaching practical agricultural knowledge, promoting self-sufficiency, and encouraging sustainable farming practices. By nurturing a connection between the earth's resources and our responsibility to care for them, we aim to instill a deeper sense of stewardship in our community.

Our Prayer Schedule at San Rafael in Concho

(all hours below at Concho are open to the faithful to join)

06:00am -  Lauds & Prime (Morning Prayer)


10:00am - Terce (Midmorning Prayer) 

Noon - Sext (Midday Prayer)

03:00pm - None (Mid Afternoon Prayer)

04:00pm - Holy Hour/Seraphic Rosary

05:00pm - Vespers (Evening Prayer)

09:30pm - Matins & Compline (Night Prayer) 

Books for prayer are provided.
